by Intern | Aug 17, 2020 | Blog
The latest financial audit performance snapshot on municipalities in Mpumalanga province highlights a systemic decline according to the latest Auditor-General’s report titled Not much to go around, yet not the right hands. “The audit outcomes indicate that...
by Intern | Aug 17, 2020 | Blog
Advocating improved public participation in local government underpins one of Planact’s projects in partnership with informal settlement clusters in Ekurhuleni and Emalahleni municipalities. Planact’s success in building capacity of these informal settlement clusters...
by Intern | Jul 30, 2020 | Blog, Weekly Covid19 Updates
Asivikelane 9 shows that providing clean taps and toilets in informal settlements could be the most effective way of reducing Covid-19 infections. Informal settlements are hotspots for infection because they don’t have enough taps and toilets, and these communal...
by Intern | Jul 1, 2020 | Blog, Weekly Covid19 Updates
This week a new question about public lighting was added on the report with a focus on gender. Two thirds of Asivikelane participants are women and most of them say that there is not enough public lighting in their informal settlements. while most metros now...
by Intern | Jun 18, 2020 | Blog, Template, Weekly Covid19 Updates
Asivikelane reiterates its call for government to take the lead in ensuring access to clean sanitation facilities in informal settlement communities as the country observes its Covid-19 peak. Every two weeks since the beginning of the lockdown Asivikelane has been...