
Asivikelane Initiative: Week 4 Results

As you know, national Covid-19 infections doubled (from 3,300 to 7,220) over the last two weeks. Communal water and sanitation facilities make it likely that this spike will impact informal settlements more heavily than other population groups.    In...

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Asivikelane Initiative: Week 3 Results

Asivikelane has grown to 135 informal settlements and this week we add 5 non-metro towns to the 5 metros where we are already monitoring water, sanitation and refuse removal. As you will see in the attached results, access to water has improved in recent weeks. But...

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SA lockdown regulations

With the lockdown being extended, here are some of the amended regulations which can help you continue to comply with the lockdown regulations  [ngg src="galleries" ids="19" display="basic_slideshow"]

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Asivikelane Initiative: Week 2 Results

Results from monitoring of service delivery in informal settlements are in. We see great improvement in cleaning of communal toilets, provision of water in some and protective gears in Winnie Mandela have been provided. Download the PDF Download the data

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Day 12 of lockdown

We received an update from Barcelona informal settlement in Etwatwa in the City of Ekurhuleni.   "There is no sign of lockdown in my area. Some people don't think the coronavirus is real.  We saw a toilet waste removal truck this  Friday but no water...

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The purpose of flattening the curve of Covid-19

Informal settlement communities are at a higher risk of the Covid-19 pandemic because of the living conditions that residents find themselves living under. Here is A visual representation of why we need to flatten the curve of Covid-19.    [embedyt]...

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Government Mass Testing: Covid-19

Government will soon roll out a large-scale screening, testing and tracing programme to manage the Coronavirus (Covid-19). 10 000 field workers are to visit citizens in their homes. Here is how you can be sure that the person visiting you is an official field tester;...

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Asivikelane Initiative: Week 1 Results

Asivikelane is an initiative of IBP South Africa, Planact, the SASDI Alliance and Afesis-corplan, that gives voice to informal settlement residents in South Africa’s major cities who are faced with severe basic service shortages during the Covid-19 crisis. By...

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