Most townships and informal settlements lack trees, which makes the area attractive, green and beautiful. Not only do trees provide shade, give out clean fresh air (Oxygen) they also mitigate against soil erosion and provide for climate resilience.

In Wattville, a group of unemployed young people decided to come together and form the Wattville Environmental, Tourism and Agricultural Forum with the assistance of Planact. The Forum is constituted by the following community-based organisations: Reyahola farming enterprise (secondary cooperative), Ekurhuleni Roads Cleaning Project, Rooikamp Legacy Project, The Fella Brothers Projects, Bahlali-Voice Business Forum, Aerotropolis Housing Cooperative, Central Sihlangene and Advocates of the Environment.
The Forum aims to:
• Create and sustain food security in the area, poor families will benefit from the food gardens initiated in each household and in the community.
• Beautify the area with the aim to increase tourists in Wattville.
• Start a nursery garden in the community.
• Adopt a wetland clean campaign, which will contribute to protecting flora and fauna in the community.
• Establish environmental brigades in the community in partnership with local schools to reduce illegal dumping and promoting green environment in the area.
• Organise periodical environmental education and awareness programmes in the area